Remember nature?

What is the lesson that we learn every year?  A guerilla winter should not be underestimated, and my ability to detest any temperature below 50 (or 60, let’s be honest) knows no bounds.  This year was no different.

Ooof, winter.

Ooof, winter.

Winter is hard.  With butt-clenching temperatures rendering going outside an exercise in opportunity cost analysis, Coco suffers the most because she doesn’t get walked as much as she should.


Pay attention to meee

Pay attention to meeee

Let’s face it, we all get antsy and start to do crazy things in the winter.

you know what would be funny...

yes, that's spaghetti

But now, the heavens have smiled upon us and it’s FINALLY spring.  Spring, to me, is the two days of the year where the temperature is solidly between 60 and 85.  Those days totally make the long winter worth it (sort of).  I love having seasons (sort of).  Spring, all 48 hours of it, is FANTASTIC.  It’s hard to be mad at winter when the backyard looks like this.

Coco's Room

Coco's Room






And although Coco loves a good day of getting soggy in the snow, I don’t think she minds spring either.

Bike riding with her boyfriend

Bike riding with her boyfriend

ultimate frisbee

ultimate frisbee

coco in landscape

dog park pool all to herself

And although we still have to pretend to be anywhere near a beach, it’s nice to finally unclench.

make believe ocean

so close, so far





How did we meet?

People always ask how we met.  For the sake of brevity, we sometimes simply say: Eharmony.  The truth is that Charlie’s family has been a part of my life since approximately 1994 when I met Tesi, Charlie’s sister (and maybe Chris, Charlie’s brother, I can’t remember) at sailing camp.

1990s Tesi and I (and Chris?)

1994-ish Tesi and I (and Chris?)

The following year Charlie’s mom, Ceci, was my math teacher.  And a few years after that, I went to high school and college with Chris.

Me and college Chris

Me and college Chris

At some point along that time line Charlie and I saw each other a few dozen times.  The future, though, wouldn’t find us single at the same time, in the same city at the same time, until December 18, 2008, when we went on our first date to the really fancy Arlington restaurant known as El Pollo Rico (which serves the best $5 chicken in town) when I was in DC from NY for a job interview and an office Christmas party.  We went on our first grown-up date while in Miami for Christmas, and the rest, as they say, is history.

December 26, 2008

December 26, 2008