When life gives you LeMons…

This weekend Charlie and his coworkers are participating in a race of clunker  junkers known as the 24 hours of LeMons.  From an outsiders perspective the whole event seems like an excuse to spend two weeks dismantling a car culminating in a weekend of racetrack-testosterone-filled-fun.  Charlie explained all the rules to me, which can be found here, but the main one is that the car can’t cost more than $500.  So I assume the biggest goal is just to have a car that can run for two days straight.  48 hours is a lot to ask of the dubious jalopy Charlie will be driving.  The proof is in the pictures.



Cobra Kai till I die.

Cobra Kai till I die.

Charlie welded the rollcage himself!

Charlie welded the rollcage himself!



Sweep the leg!

Sweep the leg!
Kitchen Thermometer to Measure Engine Temperature

Kitchen Thermometer to Measure Engine Temperature

Racecar Seat

Racecar Seat

Charlie loads his welding gear.

Charlie loads his welding gear.

Tools, Welding Mask, Thingamajigs, Box Fan

Tools, Welding Mask, Thingamajigs, Box Fan

Charlie and Will discuss important things.

Charlie and Will discuss important things.

There may have been costumes involved.

There may have been costumes involved.

Almost ready to go.

Packed up and ready to go.

Godspeed, Gentlemen.

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