January 3, 2011 by Jennie
For Christmas we went down to Miami for a week to celebrate the holidays and get some wedding-related things done. We had to drive because we were bringing Princess Coco Puffs, and it was too cold to fly with her.
Since we were going to hit the road at 4am, we loaded everything that needed to go in the car into the living room. This is when Coco figured out something was happening. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but she was sure that she was ready to go “outside.” Outside means walks, outside means rides in the car, and best of all, outside means the d-o-g-p-a-r-k.  We can’t even say that word now or Coco will look at us with a face that could only mean she’s thinking: “I know those words. YES the dog park! Bananas! Yesssss, we’re going? If we don’t go to the dog park I’m going to keep staring at you with these guilt-tripping-eyes. Maintain. Eye. Contact. With. Owner. Until. She. Puts. You. In. Car” In this case, outside meant a whole day in the car, but on the other side would be the bestest d-o-g-p-a-r-k in the world. Miami.

Not sure why all this crap is in the living room, but you guys aren't leaving me in that crate.
So we got in the car and drove, and drove, and drove. This is what we saw in the rear view mirror:

And when I reclined the seat to take a nap:

heh heh heh heh heh
The wait was worth it though, because once in Miami she got to play with her new boyfriend Wilson.  Miami was awesome for Coco. There was Wilson, and sprinklers! All Coco needed in life was Wilson and sprinklers.
Dog Blur

Miami was Coco’s new favorite place.  She even learned to return footballs!

When in Rome...
She got to play with her cousins Barkley and Wally in Pinecrest. Barkley even let Coco try out her bed.

Have you eaten pork and yuca?

Madam Barkley

I fit!
The highlight of the trip was going to the beach with her cousins Emma and Mollie.

Wait, let me check if Emma ate pork and yuca!

Water dog

Mother-Daughter photo shoot
Coco even got to put the “nut” back in Coconut at the King Mango Strut Parade. Her favorite part was sitting on Charlie’s lap the whole time.

Miami also had little tiny humans to play with.

And beds that allowed dogs.

When it was time to jump back in to the car and go back to Virginia Coco was sad to go.

Nothing that a rolled-down window couldn’t fix.

And when we got back to Virginia, Coco was all sorts of depressed for two days. I’ll guess we’ll have to go back soon.

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